SeniorSmart startet med at Foreningen Senior IKT Trondheim, sammen med tilsvarende foreninger i andre Europeiske land, deltok i det Europeiske AAL-programmet Co-Living. Gjennom Co-Living fikk vi testet ut og verifisert at denne type sosial interaksjon skaper økt aktivitet og motvirker ensomhet blant eldre.
Active Assisted Living Programme
Ageing Well in the Digital World
Prosjektet var EU initiert (delvis finansiert gjennom Norges Forskningsråd) hvor samarbeidende institusjoner var Sintef, Phillips, Orbis (driver helseinstitusjoner i Nederland), IKT bedrifter i Spania og Portugal, samt universitet på Kypros. Prosjektet startet med en utforskende tilnærming, spørsmålene som ble stilt var:
- Hvilke rutiner opplever seniorer i forbindelse med sosial deltagelse?
- Hva er barrierer for å kunne delta?
- Kan IKT ha en nytteverdi i forhold til disse utfordringene?
- Har IKT en nytteverdi kun for de som er vant med å bruke teknologi?
- Eller er det også en mulighet for uvante IKT brukere?
Gjennom Co- Living-prosjektet fikk hundre personer tilbud om opplæring i IKT og bruk av smarttelefon og/eller lesebrett.
CO-LIVING: Virtual Collaborative Social Living Community for Elderly
Co-LIVING is based on an innovative Social Community network (SoCo-net), integrating different mobile wireless ICT based services addressing the elderly social interaction context categories of Care & Wellness, Guidance and Mobility monitoring.
The solution utilises and scale up the successfully developed IST FP6 mPower open source middle-ware platform to be applicable to the elderly social community interaction field achieving thus the expected Co- LIVING time-to-market perspective of 2 to 3 years after the project end.
Co-LIVING target group is the big group of healthy elderly or with light physical or psychological health problems who are self-supporting, able to move around, and can still contribute actively. They find pleasure in getting help or stimulation to be active in an outward environment.
The aim of choosing the specific target group is to prevent, or reduce the risk, that these people are spending most of their time at home as they get older for a variety of accumulated (physical, psychological, psycho-social and cultural) reasons.
The main goal of the proposed project is the development of an ICT-based Virtual Collaborative Social Living Community for Elderly (Co-LIVING) people.
The solution will utilise and scale up the successfully developed FP6 mPower open source middle-ware platform to be applicable to the elderly social community interaction field. Co-LIVING target group is the big group of healthy elderly or with light physical or psychological health problems who are self-supporting, able to move around, and can still contribute actively.
Two pilots, in the Netherlands and Norway, representing the two different use cases, will be carried out in which the Co-LIVING solution will be assessed and validated by considering its social, economical and psychological dimensions.
Expected results and impact
The approach used by Co-LIVING takes a proactive action providing a solution for elderly people at the very early stages of capabilities degradation, when they are still capable to have a non-assisted independent living.
Co-LIVING solution contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the elderly care field by the:
- development of an innovative social community model;
- development of highly innovative ICT based services;
- creation of innovative knowledge in the area of personalised support for the elderly giving new insight in how integrated personalised ICT services can support day to day activities and improve quality of life for each one of the related stakeholders (that is, not only the elderly bus also their families, friends, etc)
Organization | Type | Country |
Orbis Medical and Healthcare Group | End User | Netherlands |
Philips Electronics Nederland B.V | Large Industry | Netherlands |
University of Cyprus | R&D | Cyprus |
Stiftelsen SINTEF | R&D | Norway |
Instituto Pedro Nunes – Associação Para A Inovação E Desenvolvimento Em Ciência E Tecnologia | R&D | Portugal |
Inovamais S.A | SME | Portugal |
Citard Services LTD | SME | Cyprus |
Andago Ingeniería S.L. | SME | Spain |
Trondheim Kommune | End User | Norway |
Co-living er avsluttet
Co-Living prosjektet er avsluttet, men de verdifulle erfaringene vi har fått fra dette prosjektet er blitt grunnlaget for SeniorSmart.
Denne videoen fra Co-Living viser hvordan SeniorSmart fungerer.
Her finner du mer informasjon: Co-Living_poster